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Version: 3.0.0

Smart Tags

You can add or remove your tags from 2 places

  1. During onboarding process
  2. Tags are found under left sliding Menu > Settings > Edit Tags

Tag Settings

Video thumbnail
Video shows how to access tag settings

Tags come with a default set of settings to apply

Tags are automatically applied when either Search & Apply Features or Autopilot is run. Atomic uses zero-shot classification (a form of machine learning) to automate tagging using an AI model.


If there are multiple tags to an event, then the most relevant tag's settings are applied using zero-shot classification

See Order of Priority to understand what values are prioritized by Atomic


The list of options include

  • Copying over values from previous similar events
    • transparency (availability), buffer times, priority, time preferences, reminders, time modifiable / time not modifiable, break value (consider as break type event for Atomic)
  • Default values for events without previous similar events
    • transparency (availability), buffer times, priority, time modifiable / time not modifiable, preferred times, reminders, break value (consider as break type event for Atomic)