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Version: 3.0.0

Meeting Assist

Meeting Assist allows you to create flexible recurring 1:1's as well as ad hoc team meetings with many attendees

The benefits of flexible meetings provides better time management and organization of your and your colleague's day

Creating a Meeting Assist starts the process of creating a flexible meeting

Create a new Meeting Assist


Please note Zoom functionality is submitted to Zoom Inc. for approval. Zoom will not work until the approval process is completed. You will still be able to authenticate with Zoom but not create or delete Zoom videos using Atomic for now.

  1. Go to Calendar tab in the center
  2. Tap on + icon to expand
  3. Tap on Meeting Assist
  4. You will see a step wise Wizard to complete details in. Fill in the relevant details

Meeting Assist Creation Wizard

1a. Select a Time Window to allow the Atomic to plan the event in

  • Smaller the window -> smaller the space to find an opening for a new meeting
  • Maximum size is a 7 day period inclusive of the first & last day of the Time Window

1b. Enter Title and any notes for the future event

2a. Enable a video conference for the future meeting

  • Zoom
  • Google Meet

3a. Other event related details - Host Name, transparency, visibility, notifications

4a. Alarms or reminders for event

5a. You can cancel planning if any invitees refuse so no new event will be created

5b. Atomic will find the best spot for the new meeting but you can allow invitees to select time preferences as a choice. This does not guarantee a particular time prefence. Atomic will take all nearby events (inclusive of everyon's calendar) into consideration before creating the meeting

5c. You can allow other invitees to cancel time preferences selected by other invitees. Recommendation is to avoid this unless it works for your particular scenario.

5d. You need to set a time limit for when the new meeting cannot be created by. If the minimum threshold of attendees is not met and it is beyond the time limit, then no new meetings will be created. A good time limit is the first day of the Time Window.

5e. Duration - how long is the event

6a. You can add Buffer time before or after an event to help you prepare or review. The Buffer time is only for your calendar and not your attendees' calendars.

7a. event attribute

7b. event attribute

7c. Minimum threshold of attendees needed before a meeting is created

7d. You can enable custom time preference regardless of availability. However, this does not guarantee the time preference but Atomic will try its best to rearrange the calendar to allow the meeting to appear in the particular time slot.


Non-Atomic users' calendars cannot be rearranged and limits the options for Atomic for finding a spot within the selected time preference

7e. You can create recurring flexible meetings on a daily / weekly / monthly basis such as 1:1s

8a. Select the end date for the recurrence

8b. Select daily / weekly / monthly recurrence option

8c. Pick an interval like every x recurrence

  • x is a numerical integer like every 1 week or every 2 weeks

9a. You can add an invite either manually or via importing Google Contacts if you have synced Google Contacts with Atomic. To add either, tap the floating bottom right button with the pen icon to expand

For manual entry tap Manual Entry

  • A new floating bottom right button appears with + sign. Tap on this button to add a new entry

  • Add Email and Display Name of invitee

  • Tap the Close button to close manual entry

  • To remove tap stay inside the manual entry list and tap Remove button

For importing Google Contacts tap Import Contacts button

  • You will a list of Google Contacts that you synced. You can filter the list by searching for a name on the top Search bar

  • Tap on the add button to add a Google contact

  • Tap the Close button to close Import Contacts

  • To remove tap stay inside the Import Contacts list and tap Remove button

10a. Tap Create


Atomic will create personalized booking links and send them to the invitees' emails. The host will receive an email on the details of every booking link. If there are issues with sending the email, you can manually send the emails with the booking links. The links are a combination of the domain + parameters related to the invitee.

Update a Meeting Assist

A list of created Meeting Assists are available under the left side bar menu. You can open the side bar menu by tapping the top left menu icon. The menu item is called Meeting Assists

  1. Tap on menu item to open list

  2. You can find your Meeting Assist of interest by either scrolling (starting from the most recent) or searching in the top search bar

  3. Tap on Edit button to open Meeting Assist Updating Wizard

Meeting Assist Updating Wizard

Please see Meeting Assist Creation Wizard to get details on updating an already created Meeting Assist as the Wizard is similar in nature

Delete a Meeting Assist

Please see Update a Meeting Assist to find the list of existing Meeting Assists

  1. Tap on the bottom right corner trash icon button to delete the meeting assist

Deleting a Meeting Assist will delete everything related to the Meeting Assist. If an event is already created, deleting the Meeting Assist will not delete the event. It is recommended to find the event and delete it as you normally would on the calendar