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Version: 3.0.0


You can add Zoom video when creating Meeting Assists. You must authenticate Zoom before you are able to do this.


Please note Zoom functionality is submitted to Zoom Inc. for approval. Zoom will not work until the approval process is completed. You will still be able to authenticate with Zoom but not create or delete Zoom videos using Atomic for now.

Authenticate Zoom

You can enable & authenticate Zoom from 2 places

  1. During onboarding process
  2. Zoom authentication is also found under left sliding Menu > Settings > Calendar & Contact Integrations > Zoom Meeting
    • If you have trouble authenticating follow this Zoom guide
  3. Once you authenticate Zoom, you will be able to add it as an option for any new Meeting Assists

Add Zoom to Meeting Assists

To add Zoom to your future flexible meeting powered by Meeting Assist

  1. Tap on Calendar
  2. Tap on the floating right button labeled with + symbol
  3. Tap on Meeting Assist
  4. Follow steps & fill out information about meeting as labeled
  5. On step 2 enable Enable a virtual meeting for this event?
  6. New options appear. Enable Enable a Zoom meeting for this event?
  7. Follow rest of the steps to create a new Meeting Assist
  8. Once all attendees have responded Atomic will run the AI planner and create a new event with Zoom video enabled for meeting

Remove Zoom

Zoom video can only removed by deleting the corresponding event found on your calendar

  1. Tap on Calendar tab
  2. Find the event created by Meeting Assist
  3. Tap on the event
  4. Tap Delete
  5. Zoom video will be deleted along with event

Uninstalling Zoom

To uninstall Zoom from Atomic

  1. Go back to where you previously authenticated Zoom
  2. Disable Zoom Meeting
  3. Uninstalling Zoom will remove
    • Authentication credentials from our database
    • Disable any ability to add Zoom to your flexible meetings powered by Meeting Assist

To uninstall Atomic from Zoom

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the "Atomic" app.
  3. Click the "Atomic" app.
  4. Click Remove.